Project Management in Construction (MPM) expert seminar
Sartuday, 22nd July 2017
Hanoi, Vietnam
AIT Professional Master program in Project Management in Construction (MPM) in collaboration with BIM Vietnam Community organized the seminar: "BIM COORDINATION &MULTI VISUALIZATION FUNCTIONS in DESIGN,CONSTRUCTION and PROJECT MANAGEMENT", on 22ndJuly 2017 in Hanoi, Vietnam.
BIM Seminar at AIT Hanoi, 22nd July 2017
There were over 50 participants who are working in construction industry joined the seminar. Two main speakers: Mr. PisutAunwong, from AIT Thailand and Mr. Pham Thanh, Director of Vietnam BIM Consultancy and Technology Application Company Limited, have delivered wonderful presentations about Multi Visualization Functions inBIM in Construction Projects and BIM Coordination in Design,Construction, and Project Management.
Presented by Mr. Pham Thanh, Director of Vietnam BIM Consultancy and Technology Application Company Limited
BIM Multi Visualization Functions by Mr. Pisut, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
The seminar is very successful with the enthusiastic participation of construction professionals from both public and private sectors. They raised many questions related to BIM and so interested in the topic.
Associate Prof. Hadikusumo, MPM Coordinator, delivered seminar attendance certificate to participants
BIM is currently more and more public in Vietnam and all over the world. As our mission, we try to provide more academic events and activities to support the sustainable development of construction community in Vietnam.
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