Roles of Project Management in Construction Projects and Competitivemess of Construction companies
Roles of Project Management in Construction Projects and Competitivemess of Construction companies
Project Management in Construction program (called MPM) coordinate with An Giang university to organize a seminar:
Roles of Project Management in Construction Projects and Competitiveness of Construction Companies
Time: 9h00 - 11g00, Wednesday, 28 Jan 2015.
Venue: Meeting 2 - Khu Trung tâm - An Giang University
18 Ung Van Khiem str. , Dong Xuyen ward, Long Xuyên city
Speaker: Dr. Hadikusumo; Coordinator of Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management (CEIM) and Project Management in Construction (MPM), Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
Contact us at not later than 26 Jan 2015.
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